EDDC Local Plan

November 2023 - Neighbourhood Planning and the Local Plan Update Autumn 2023 and Neighbourhood Planning Intentions survey

East Devon District Council (EDDC) is preparing a new Local Plan that is expected to ultimately replace the existing Local Plan. The new plan is proposed to cover the period from 2020 to 2040 and more information can be found on their website - www.eastdevon.gov.uk/planning/planning-policy/emerging-local-plan/. The reasons for the decision to prepare a new Local Plan (to replace the adopted Local Plan 2013-2031) are:

(1) the current Local Plan was adopted in 2016 and is now more than 5 years old (the trigger point for a formal review). It was also prepared under the previous version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), prior to its update in 2019. A review of the current Local Plan indicated that there were a number of areas where the Plan was becoming out-dated.

(2) the withdrawal of East Devon from the Greater Exeter Strategic Plan (GESP) and the discontinuation of the development of that proposed overarching statutory plan highlighted the need to review/revisit the overall development strategy for the district.

On the current timetable, a new Local Plan could be expected to be adopted in early 2024. As the development of the Plan advances, the more weight it will carry, and the most recently adopted statutory plan document will ultimately take precedence in the consideration of planning applications in the district. Neighbourhood Plans will need to take account of the emerging new Local Plan in their development (where not yet made or started) and a review of a made Neighbourhood Plan may be triggered. EDDC are keen to ensure through this process that the value of Neighbourhood Plans in the district, and the hard work involved in them, is recognised, supported, and where possible, enhanced.

Consultations and recent development updates:
EDDC will consult with the public at key points in the development of the new Local Plan and provide updates on recent developments as appropriate:

  • 14th July 2023 - EDDC Local Plan feedback report from the public consultation which ended on 15th January 2023. This is a 500 page document with supporting documents. Click here to see the list of documents and select the one you wish to read