Community Resilience & Emergency Plan

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Parish Paper article from June 2023

The National Emergency alert system testing on 23rd April just proved that things can go wrong, and now hopefully they have established the cause and fixed it. This was just part of a nationwide initiative around Community Resilience. What happens when such an alert lands and how will you individually, and at the next level the Parish, respond to incidents?

Globally, climate change (including heat, cold, storms and flooding) is one area of concern. Locally, it could be a large fire, a traffic accident leading to a pollution incident, or an outbreak of animal or human disease e.g. another Covid-type impact.

What you can do to prepare


  • Household – go to the Parish Council website and you’ll find a detailed document to help guide you and your family (see link above)
  • Neighbours – do you know your nearest ½ dozen neighbours and if any have specific needs or are vulnerable?
  • Parish – a plan is being developed [with your help] to assist First and Second Responders as well as any volunteer input which is often vital during the incident recovery phase.


We need some information on any ‘specialities’ locally – First Responders [fire, police, ambulance, military], Secondary Responders – Utilities, Traffic management, Environment Agency, Volunteers – Medical staff, First Aiders, St Johns etc. Would anyone be willing to be listed in the above categories [or anyone with relevant experience], please drop an e-mail to the Parish Clerk.

We also need information on resources within the parish – guidance suggests listing 4x4s in case of flood (we think we can skip that for now as we probably have better cover than most places). We would like information on JCBs, telehandlers, other large equipment, tree surgeons and builders who might all have equipment suitable e.g. after a flood or storm. Again, information via the Parish Clerk please.

The Community Emergency Response Team is looking for volunteers - this can be anything from helping organise flood clean up, helping collect food/supplies for those stranded due to flood ice or other factors, helping the recovery process including running a volunteer centre. Details via the Parish Clerk ....

Don’t Panic – that was a common message relating to the alert test and applies to any and all situations. However, a rapid coordinated response is what we would all hope would happen if we were in trouble.