
To find out about planning (including planning applications, whether you require planning permission, planning policy and Local land charges) and to look at current and past planning applications please see East Devon District Councils planning pages . If you have applied for planning permission or are considering it, you might like to speak to the parish council as well as we are Statutory Consultees and will be asked to comment on your application.

The role of the Parish Council - Parish Councils are Consultees to the Local Planning Authority and as such do not make decisions on planning applications. They are asked to state their willingness to support, or not, planning applications based on local knowledge and current planning policies in order that these views can be taken into account by East Devon District Council as the planning authority'. The Parish Council can only take certain aspects of a planning application into account when considering their response:

Can take into account - principle, layout and density, design, visual impact, privacy/overbearing, loss of light, noise/smell, infrastructure, highway safety (eg visibility, access), economic impact, previous decisions/appeals, ecology & biodiversity, crime, flooding, policy & guidance - national policy framework, Neighbourhood Plan

Cannot take into account - the applicant, land ownership, private rights (eg access), covenants, property value, competition, loss of view, 'better' site or 'better' view, 'not as good as previous scheme', impact of building phase.


Link to table of recent Planning Applications